Shoutout to the Good Times

I think I’ve spent my entire life searching for the man (boy) I would spend forever with. As soon as I was able to comprehend love and marriage, I set out on my journey. Little did I know, 30 minutes away a little boy was doing the same. Just as the little girl with cork screw curls grew into a hopeless romantic, the dimple cheeked boy grew into her other half.

It kind of just happened. I know I’ve said before that I’ve always wanted the cliche dating experience, but if I had to go back, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve never simply fallen in love with someone the way I did. The more I dived, the more we talked, I came to realize he was something so special. We both knew we felt something, and we would always hint at it, but never did we come clean about the intensity of the emotions….until one beautiful, typical, peaceful night. All of a sudden little messages popped up on my phone, urgent and full of passion. It had dawned on him that he didn’t want to stay silent anymore. Life is too short, accidents happen, people disappear, technology is fleeting. I love you. From there we had our “aha” moment, where the universe finally made sense. All of those heart breaks, chases gone wrong, the mysteries of life, our very positions in the world…everything seemed to come down to our bond. We learn and grow together through every trial and error. We accept our humanity and cling to our love, because we know it is the most valuable thing we have.

Our 2 year anniversary was overshadowed by my weekend adventure. (still working on that story. I have too many thoughts not even my organization skills can handle) Again, I don’t think I’d have it any other way. It just gives us an excuse to have more fun this week!

You see, we didn’t have an exact date to pin down, so we decided on July 19th as our celebration day. It just so happened that this year the date landed on the Sunday I was flying home. Things don’t always turn out how we think they will, but what I pride myself on is how we make the most of our experiences.

Even with all of this happiness, I’ve been ridiculed, put down, shut down, and chastised by those who would believe me to have a loose grasp on reality. Just today I was told I should tell my boyfriend I don’t want to be exclusive and go date around this fall! What?? This baffles me because I thought people in love were something to celebrate, not stomp into the dirt. So, to everyone out there, let me tell you why I think this is different than any other relationship or man I’ve come across. I just do! I don’t need to validate my love to anyone! Here I am, 19, and going steady with someone I see myself marrying in a few years. I’m so proud, so happy, so loved, and I wouldn’t change my life for anything!

So, this is for you, my love. 2 years down, many many more to go. Here’s to a forever full of fireworks shows, late night tacos, podcasts, nature love, and Sonic splurging.